Below are a list of documents covering the rules and regulations surrounding Target shotgun as governed by the ITSF
The rules for National team selection are in place to ensure that any person wishing to be considered for
selection for the semi or manual teams are selected on a fair and equal basis.
There are a number of conditions that must be met and these are as follow;
1 All team members are selected from the leader board of the association. This would generally be from
the top of the leader board unless a person eligible for selection is unable to attend in which case the
next highest ranking shooter will be eligible until the position is filled.
2 All persons wishing to be selected must abide by the rules of the ‘Target Shotgun Handbook’. This is
particularly important in respect of Types of shotguns and barrel lengths.
3 All persons must in normal circumstances have competed in three selection shoots of the primary three
disciplines within the previous year. (12months).
(Timed and precision 1, Multi target and Embassy Cup)
4 All persons must in normal circumstances have competed in a Long Range competition or attended a
Long Range Training day within the previous year.(12 months).
Team Captains.
Team Captains are selected by the team members they represent.
The position of team captain will be for the period of the ‘competition’ , this is expected to include all
administration and representative duties both pre and post competition required for the betterment and
good standing of the Team.
It is expected that all team members fully understand that they as a team member are representing
IRELAND and as such must at all times conduct themselves in a manner that is fitting and expected of
that privileged position.
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