Course of Fire T&P 1
07 – Timed & Precision 1
Event Numbers
0730 SGSV
0731 SGMB42
0735: SGM
0736: SGSA
0738 SGMI
0739 SGSAI
1 x DP2
Ammunition: Solid Slug only
Sights: Any
Positions: Standing unsupported
Ready Position: Ready alert/45 Degrees
Course of Fire
This event takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
It requires 30 rounds
The maximum possible score is 300
Practice 1
25 metres, 12 shots in 2 minutes, to include a reload of at least 6
Practice 2
15 metres, 12 shots in two strings of 6
For each string, 6 appearances of 2 seconds with intervals of 5 seconds
One shot only to be fired at each appearance
The firearm must be returned to the ready position between
Practice 3
10 metres, 6 shots
The target will make 3 appearances of 3 seconds with intervals of 5
Two shots only to be fired at each appearance
The firearm must be returned to the ready position between
Range Commands
The general rules apply with the addition of the following initial command.
Having made sure that the range is clear, the CRO commands:
Tie breaking rules shall be applied in the order listed below:
a. By the greatest number of Xs in the event.
b. By the scores at each distance, commencing with the longest
c. By the X count at each distance, commencing with the longest
d. In the event of a maximum score the target and backing board is
to be labelled and passed to stats so that in the event of a tie it
can be re-scored by outwards gauging.
Procedural penalties – event specific
In addition to the usual procedural penalties, the following apply in this event:
a. Firing too many shots during an exposure.
Course of Fire Multi Target
11 – Multi-Target
Event Numbers
1130 SGSV
1135: SGM
1136: SGSA
1138 SGMI
1139 SGSAI
Targets: 2 x DP1
Ammunition type: Solid Slug only
Sights: Any
Positions: Standing unsupported
Ready Position: 45 degrees
Course of Fire
This event takes approximately 30 minutes to complete
It requires 24 rounds
The maximum possible score is 120
Practice 1
25 metres, 6 shots in 15 seconds on the left hand target
Practice 2
20 metres, 3 shots on each target in 10 seconds
Practice 3
15 metres, 6 shots
The target will make 3 x 3 second appearances with intervals of 5
2 shots to be fired at each appearance on the right hand target
The firearm must be returned to the ready position between exposures
Practice 4
10 metres, 6 shots (3 on each target) in 8 seconds
Range Commands
The general rules apply with the addition of the following initial command.
Having made sure that the range is clear, the CRO commands
Tie breaking rules shall be applied in the order listed below:
a. By the greatest number of Xs in the event.
b. By the scores at each distance, commencing with the longest
c. By the X count at each distance, commencing with the longest
d. In the event of a maximum score and equal X counts at all
distances, by outward gauging.
Procedural penalties – event specific
In addition to the usual procedural penalties, the following apply in this event:
a. Firing too many shots during an exposure.
b. Any shots on the wrong target.
Course of Fire Embassy Cup
33 –Embassy Cup
Event Numbers
3330 SGSV 47
3335: SGM
3336: SGSA
3338 SGMI
3339 SGSAI
Targets: 2 x I.P.S.C. Classic Targets
Ammunition type: Solid Slug only
Sights: Any
Positions: Standing unsupported, Prone, Sitting, & Kneeling
Ready Position: Parallel
Course of Fire: This event is shot at 25 metres, 20 metres & 15 metres. This event
takes approximately 30 minutes to complete It requires 24 rounds. The
maximum possible score is 120
Practice 1
25 metres, 2 shots on each target standing unsupported
Mandatory reload of at least 4 rounds before
2 shots on each target prone in 20 seconds
Practice 2
20 metres, 2 shots on each target standing unsupported Mandatory reload of at least 4 rounds before
2 shots on each target sitting in 20 seconds
Practice 3
15 metres, 2 shots on each target standing unsupported. Mandatory reload of at least 4 rounds before 2 shots on each target kneeling in 20 seconds
Range Commands
The general rules apply with the addition of the following initial command.
Having made sure that the range is clear, the C.R.O. commands ‘WITH AT
LEAST 4 ROUNDS LOAD AND MAKE READY’, the competitor can then load
4 or more rounds.
Initial Loading can be from any source of ammunition.
All rounds to be used for reloading must be carried on the person of the competitor
Where any competitor achieves the highest possible score, their targets must
be removed from the backing boards, labelled and passed to Stats.
Tie breaking rules shall be applied in the order listed below:
a. By the greatest number of As in the event.
b. By the scores at each distance, commencing with the longest distance.
c. By the A count at each distance, commencing with the
longest distance.
d. In the event of a maximum score and equal A counts at all
distances, by outward gauging.
Procedural penalties – event specific
In addition to the usual procedural penalties, the following apply in this event:
a. Firing too many shots during an exposure.
b. Any shots on the wrong target.
c. Not reloading with four or more rounds
d. Changing position before reloading
Corse of Fire 100&200 Yards
100 & 200 Yards
Event Numbers
5534: SG
Note where only the 100 yard element is shot this will be 5134
Targets: NRA 300 yard target at both distances
Ammunition Type: Solid Slug only
Sights: Any
Positions: Standing unsupported at 100 yards
Sitting or Kneeling at 200 yards
Ready Position:
At 100 yds; standing, gun at ready alert/45 degrees.
At 200 yds; any.
Course of Fire
This event is shot at 100 yards and 200 yards
This event takes approximately 90 minutes to complete
It requires 24 rounds
The maximum possible score is 100 ( or 50 for 5134)
Practice 1
100 yards 12 shots standing un-supported
2 compulsory sighting shots individually marked back
2 strings of 5 shots each in 30 seconds
Practice 2
200 yards 12 shots sitting or kneeling
2 compulsory sighting shots individually marked back
1 string of 10 shots in 12 minutes50
Range Commands
The general rules apply with the addition of the following initial command.
Having made sure that the range is clear, the RCO commands ‘LOAD AND
Loading and Reloading
Loading and Reloading can be from any source of ammunition.
Scores will be relayed by radio back to the firing point.
(The competitor must record their target number and position left or right)
Scoring must be performed by another person on the firing line at 200 yards
In Team matches where scores are not concurrent with individual
events a spotter may assist the competitor by observing fall of sighting shots.
They may do so from on or behind the firing point using magnifying sighting
equipment. If the fall of shot is undetermined or uncertain the competitor may
opt to convert up to 2 scoring shots to sighters. These additional sighters will
NOT count for score. Failure to achieve a hit with at least 1 sighting shot will
result in the competitor being asked to withdraw from that stage of the match.
Procedural penalties – event specific
A Shooting on the wrong target